
Need a specialist? Ask contracting service MrFix!

Need a handyman? MrFix has an expert for every job in and around the house. Besides painters, handymen, electricians and plumbers MrFix also helps you to find more specialised professionals:

Here are some examples of recent painting jobs and reviews from our customers. We also explain how to quickly find the right handyman with tips & info on the different handyman rates, guarantees and rush jobs. Is your job not listed? Then please call MrFix on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Do 8:00-21:00h, Fri & Sat 9:00-18:00h).

Why MrFix?

  • MrFix vets and picks the best local specialist
  • You choose when the specialist is welcome: 24/7
  • Rates are from €45/h incl. VAT and call-out charge for a professional cleaner to €95/h for a white goods expert (or first a quote)

How do I request a specialist?

  • Use web form above or mail, call
  • MrFix says within 1 hour which specialist comes when
  • Pay securely afterwards via iDeal, bank or credit card


Recent jobs -

Klusjesman - Rembrandtkade - Rijswijk

Move kitchen cabinet (attached to wall)

Ik zoek een klusjesman in Rijwijk om een keukenkastje te verplaatsen, kastje zit vast aan muur

Klusjesman - Almere

Re-Seal Window Frames (Kozijnen: gebreken kitwerk) - HI

Ik heb een klusjesman in Almere nodig om Alle kozijnen opnieuw af te kitten. Soms kan ik voelen dat er lucht van buiten kan komen voor sommige ramen. De klusjesman moet mij informeren welk soort kit of ander gereedschap nodig is, zodat ik dat ook kan aan...

Klusjesman - Kromme Mijdrechtstraat - Amsterdam

Add an additional fitting for the curtain rail - AM

Ik zoek een klusjesman in Amsterdam om in het dak te boren voor een extra steun voor de gordijnrail. We hebben al twee fittingen aan de uiteinden die er al waren toen we erin trokken, maar we willen graag een extra deel in het midden voor extra steun....

Klusjesman - Hagenborgh - Almelo

Replace 2 broken ceiling panels (ticket no. 1105) - TW

Ik zoek een Klusjesman in Almelo voor het vervangen van 2 kapotte plafondpanelen. *Wanneer de werkzaamheden naar verwachting hoger zijn dan EUR 500,- dien je ons een bericht ter goedkeuring te sturen met de totale verwachte kosten voor deze werkzaamhede...

Klusjesman - Anna Paulownastraat - Den Haag

Hang 2 posters + mirror - DH

Ik zoek een klusjesman in Den Haag voor 2 klussen: 1. Ophangen spiegel van 60x110cm in de badkamer 2. Ophangen van een poster en een kleine fotolijst.   (I need a handyman in The Hague for 2 jobs: 1. Hang 60x110cm mirror in a bathroom 2. Hang a p...

Klusjesman - Eerste Jacob Van Campenstraat - Amsterdam

Install badplaats Toiletmeubel Sinta 40cm with basin faucet with pull-out function - AM

Need the toiletmeuble to hang on the wall and Also have the bascine faucet installed just as is in the photo I submitted



Recent reviews (2595)

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Michelle: "I use MrFix often, as it is so easy and transparent. My experience today was great, Marian was clear, polite, and most importantly did a fantastic job; very fast and tidy, super happy with it! Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"

Score: 4.7/5.0 stars

Sarah: "Although expensive, you pay for a fast, reliable and professional service with no corners cut. I would use Mr Fix again in any emergency situation. Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Mark: "The technician was excellent. He diagnosed the problem and fixed it immediately. I would use him again and again and again. Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Marco: "Fast to set the appointment, technicians showed up on time, and from what I can tell they seemed professional and with the correct skill set Fast service, Craftsmanship"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Meriem: "Quick response, they found us a craftsman within hours, the work was excellent Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

William: "You guys are the best - and I love the contractors. Thanks again. Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Nandalal: "Excellent service by Nick, very professional and to the point Craftsmanship, Fast service, Clear communication"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Tagir: "Ali was great. Identified and fixed problem in minutes. Great communication too. Craftsmanship, Fast service"


Klusjesman tarief -Handyman rate

Specialist - Rates


More certainty with our fixed hourly rates

We understand that it is tempting to pick a cheap builder (well, with a low headline rate…) who says he can do anything you ask for. Then it often turns out afterwards that the quality of the work does not meet your requirements, or that the bill is steep due to unforeseen costs. MrFix recommends specialists for jobs ranging from white goods repair to locksmiths.
We have negotiated fixed hourly rates On behalf of the Customers with the various specialists ranging from €45 to €95 per hour including VAT and call-out charge:

  • Mover or other Furniture Specialist €50


The best specialist via contractor service MrFix

Are you going to move or do you merely want to move some furniture within your building? Do you need a gardener to prepare the garden for winter or spring? Or do you no longer have internet access and does the provider say that it’s due to your hardware or WiFi network?
The specialist handymen of MrFix have you covered!
Our accredited specialists do your job right 1st time. Every contractor who works through MrFix is a professional freelancer and has been individually screened by us.
No job is too small or too big for the specialist contractors that MrFix has selected for you. They help you just as well with hanging your new lamps as installing a complete kitchen.

Request a specialist contractor hassle-free

It’s simple: fill out the form and we will match your job with the right professional within one hour. Easy, right? MrFix has a specialist contractor available even today.
How to request a contractor:

  • Select the “JOB TYPE” and summarise the job under “SHORT JOB DESCRIPTION”
  • You can add 1 or 2 photos from your PC, tablet or smartphone. This is not required but can be helpful!
  • Make your “DETAILED JOB DESCRIPTION” as precise as possible: please specify materials, measures, obstructions or other limitations.
  • Choose if you prefer “An expert ASAP” or “First a quote”. If you choose “First a quote” then we will provide the expert’s estimate except if the job is bigger than ~€500 / 1 day of work. In the latter case we quote his fixed price, usually after a (paid) inspection visit.

For further questions about specialist contractor rates see the Rates page or call us on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Thu 8:00-21:00h and Fri-Sat 9:00-18:00h).

Local handyman needed?

Specialist contractor - Guarantee

The work of our qualified handymen is covered by a triple guarantee: 1) the guarantee by the contractor himself. 2) his liability insurance and 3) our MrFix leverage over the contractor. So you are in safe hands.

Urgent specialist jobs – Surcharge

For urgent jobs you can contact MrFix. We will connect you to the right specialist for your repair job within 1 hour, and often faster than that. Please note: there is a 50% surcharge for jobs that must start within 24 hours, after 18h, on weekends or on holidays.

Evening job or weekend job?

Some electrical jobs, such as power failures, simply cannot wait. That is why MrFix has a specialist ready for emergency situations 24 hours a day, also on weekends.
Our qualified handymen are ready to do every conceivable electrical job in the West and Centre of The Netherlands quickly. We serve the western conurbation (the Amsterdam, Haarlem, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht area) but also the surrounding parts of The Netherlands, including Eindhoven, Maastricht, Groningen and Apeldoorn.
The quickest way to request a specialist contractor is via our webform and if you prefer you can also mail, call 020-6750333 (Mon-Thu 8:00-21:00h and Fri-Sat 9:00-18:00h).

Request a MrFix Home Check

Your house is probably your most valuable asset. Seemingly innocent defects like for instance a poor electrical connection of your washing machine can have a serious impact on its safety. To make sure that you can go to sleep in a safe home we offer a thorough check of your property for any defects.
During this Home Check we pay extra attention to the safety aspects that you care about: fire safety, child safety and burglary protection. All of these have electrical aspects. And if you want we can assess the energy efficiency of your home too!

MrFix for every repair job

Beside a specialist contractor MrFix can also arrange a qualified Painter, Plumber, Electrician, or Handyman.
See the Help / FAQ page or call us on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Thu 8:00-21:00h and Fri-Sat 9:00-18:00h) for further information.


Need a specialist contractor in your region?

Whatever your electrical job is, MrFix has the best network of experienced, reliable handymen in AmsterdamRotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and elsewhere in the whole Netherlands, up to and including Eindhoven. Fill in the form , then we will match you as quickly as possible to the right specialist or other contractor in your region.