
MrFix Building maintenance service

MrFix provides professional repair & maintenance services to both private and corporate Clients for all types of buildings:

  • Residential (houses & apartments)
  • Offices, including co-working spaces, consulates and embassies
  • Retail
  • Hospitality: hotels, bars and restaurants

You can read below how we provide both incidental/emergency assistance and longer-term support. And we explain which types of Clients do not owe VAT on our services.

Businessman wearing headset in office

Incidental vs. Ongoing support

Incidental services

Most of our corporate Clients have an-house maintenance team and use MrFix on an incidental basis when:

  • The job requires specialist skills that your team lacks
  • Your team members are occupied on other jobs
  • The required team member is ill (we have received many such requests during the Corona crisis)
  • The team member is on holiday (in Holland that happens a lot around the Christmas & Easter holidays and especially during the so-called ‘Bouwvak‘, the traditional 3 weeks of builders’ holiday in mid-Summer


Ongoing support

However, you may prefer to use our contractors on a more permanent basis. For example, one of our experts does regular repairs in the rooms of an Amsterdam hotel every Monday. And a manager of a luxury apartment block has used MrFix to find a jack-of-all-trades who works from the porter’s lodge two days a week and does all small repairs in the 60-plus apartments. If you would like to discuss the options please call 020-675 0333 and ask for Michiel.
MrFix is happy to assist both on an incidental and longer-term basis: just request your job here or call MrFix on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Thu 8:00-19:00h, Fri-Sat 9:00-18:00h and Sun 15:00-19:00h).

Corporate Customer

Corporate Clients

MrFix has negotiated fair rates with the contractors. We explain here how we can help you get solid value for your money. Corporate Clients can normally offset the Value Added Tax (VAT) on MrFix’s invoices against the VAT they charge on their own invoices, so they effectively do not pay VAT. This goes for Dutch companies but not for VvEs (Verenigingen van Eigenaren, associations of apartment owners), which cannot offset VAT.

Our office maintenance & repair rates:

  • Apply to inspections for quote jobs and to execution of smaller jobs that do not require a quote
  • Range from €41.28 to €86.78 excl. VAT (€45 to €105 incl. VAT) per hour based on complexity and scarcity of skills:
  • Are fair in both respects:
    • They enable the expert to earn a fair living. You may well find lower home repair rates elsewhere, but they provoke behaviour that our Clients do not accept: invoicing more hours than they worked, charging surcharges for travel expenses, etc., or cutting corners in terms of quality.
    • They are as clear (see below) and ‘all-in’ as possible: including VAT and call-out charges. Only any material costs (of course) and parking costs are extra: we can often avoid the latter by having the expert use a Client’s parking space or come by bicycle (like several of our experts in Amsterdam do). The minimum is 1 hour per man and above that we round off to the nearest half hour
    • There is a 50% surcharge for jobs that must start in the evening (from 6pm), on weekends, on public holidays or urgently (within 24 hours). These surcharges do not accumulate (so there is never a 100% or 150% surcharge) and if the job can also be done during the daytime, there is no surcharge if the expert chooses to do it in the evening or during the weekend
    • So there are no other surcharges like competing services and handymen levy for ‘service’, call-out costs, risk or profit

See the Rates page for questions about rates & prices.