
Wallpaperer wanted? Paperhanging service MrFix!

If you need a wallpaper specialist, then MrFix is the right address! The best way to order a wallpaper specialist is to fill in the form above: our system will then automatically invite wallpaper specialists in your area 24/7. On this page you can read more about recent wallpaper jobs, customer reviews and information on wallpaper rates, guarantees and rush jobs.
If you need something else wallpaper, please refer to the wallpaperer page or the specific pages for:


Why MrFix for a good wallpaperer?

  • MrFix vets and picks the best local paperhanger
  • You choose when the wallpaperer is welcome: 24/7
  • Rate €65/h incl. VAT and call-out charge, or first a quote

How do I request a wallpaperer?

  • Use web form above or mail, call or WhatsApp
  • MrFix says within 1 hour which expert comes when
  • Pay securely afterwards via iDeal, bank or credit card


Recent jobs - wallpaperer

Schilder - Walchersestraat - Rotterdam

Binnenschilder - ~600x50 keldermuur overschilderen, Stompe hardboard binnendeur (83x202) vervangen - RO

Binnenschilder in Rotterdam gezocht om waterschade te herstellen: 1. ~600x50cm muur met waterschade in bewoonde kelderruimte overschilderen met Flexa Fresh Linen 1066 2. Stompe binnendeur (hardboard deur, uitgezet, geen opdekdeur) van 83x202cm verva...

Schilder - Maarten Jansz Kosterstraat - Amsterdam

Binnenschilder - Paint 60m2 - AM

Ik zoek een Schilder in Amsterdam om We need a quick and fast work of repainting our walls before we leave the apartment, ideally on the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd October. No particular techniques needed. About 15 little holes need to be filled up (w...

Schilder - Neptunusstraat - Hilversum

Buitenschilder - Paint 3m long outside wooden window ledge - HI

Ik zoek een buitenschilder in Hilversum voor het schilderen van een 3m lange houten buitenvensterbank.  (I need a Painter in Hilversum to paint 3m long wooden outside window ledge. )

Schilder - Looiersgracht - Amsterdam

Binnenschilder - Fill/Paint bed + paint door - AM

Ik zoek een binnenschilder in Amsterdam voor: 1. zwart bedframe plamuren en schilderen. 2. Voordeur in kleur verven (gebroken wit / creme) (I need an interior painter in Amsterdam to: 1. fill and paint black bed frame. 2. Paint front door colour...

Schilder - Kerkstraat - Noordwijkerhout

Buitenschilder - Schilder 2 gevels + 20 dakgoten/boeidelen + 4 windveren - DH

Schilder in Noordwijkerhout gezocht om buiten te schilderen, het gaat om 2 geveldelen, 20 dakgoten/boeidelen en 4 windveren. De handige rekentool op de site gaf als eerste indicatie dat de klus ~2 weken zou kunnen duren en de kosten van de orde van groott...

Schilder - Abeelstraat - Groningen

Remove wallpaper, Clean walls, Repaint walls + ceiling - GR

Ik zoek een binnenschilder en/of behanger in Groningen om: 1. Behang te verwijderen 2. De muren schoon te maken voor het verven, aangezien deze enkele zwarte strepen hebben 3. De muren en het plafond opnieuw te schilderen.   (I need an interior pai...



Recent reviews (2606)

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Vino: "Easy, prompt and got the job done for a reasonable amount. The tradesmen were very nice and got on with the job Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"

Score: 4.3/5.0 stars

Andrew: "Easy time booking the work. Great communication on whatsapp, helped me pick the right materials Fast service"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Joseph: "It was pretty amazing and Iulian was amazing! 🙂 Craftsmanship, Fast service, Clear communication"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Maxim: "great work, delivered quickly and good coordination Fast service, Craftsmanship"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Halit: "smooth and without problems Clear communication, Craftsmanship, Fast service"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Chris: "Snel geregeld, goed werk Snelle service, Vakmanschap, Heldere communicatie"

Score: 4.7/5.0 stars

Davis: "Great service! Clear communication, Fast service, Craftsmanship"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Mattia: "all great Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"


Behanger tarief - Paperhanger rate

Wallpaperer - Rate

All MrFix rates are fair and transparent. Wallpaperers charge a fixed rate of €65 per hour including VAT (at the low 9% rate) and call-out charge.
For wallpaper jobs that require more than a day (8 man hours) we recommend that you request a quote (fixed price). Not only for maximum certainty in advance but also because most paperhangers also offer a 10-20% discount on such large jobs.
If you provide enough information (e.g. via the WhatsApp group that we create for you and the wallpaperer) you can even get a quote without a visit: that saves you and the paperhanger time and money.
Now if the wallpaperer does his job right then you won’t see him again for a few years, but he will be working with MrFix again next week so he gives competitive quotes and he does his very best!

Low VAT rate on paperhanging

Did you know that the Dutch tax authority helps keeping paperhanging affordable by applying the reduced VAT rate of 9% (instead of 21%)? See the rules, unfortunately in Dutch only.
The wallpaper jobs that MrFix arranges are often substantial, so your tax saving is substantial too! Please note: the low VAT rate only applies to homes older than 2 years and applies to both labour and materials (except the wallpaper itself).

Paperhanging: embellish or brighten the inside of your home

Are you ready for a new look of the interior of your house? The wide range of colours, patterns and kinds of wallpaper make it hard to choose the best, and a mistake can cost a lot of money and time to correct. Quality wallpaper jobs that last for many, many years require professionalism and experience. Our specialist chooses the right paperhanging method and applies the glue which fits best the type of wallpaper and the type of surface.

Request a wallpaperer hassle-free

It’s straightforward: fill out the web form and we will match your job with the right expert within one hour. Easy, right? MrFix has a wallpaperer available even today.
How to request a paperhanger:

  • Select the “JOB TYPE” and summarise the job under “JOB SUMMARY”
  • You can add 1 or 2 photos from your PC, tablet or smartphone. This is not required but can be helpful!
  • Make your “DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF JOB” as precise as possible: please specify colours, measures, obstructions or other limitations.
  • Choose if you prefer “An expert ASAP” or “First a quote”. If you choose “First a quote” then we will provide the expert’s estimate except if the job is bigger than ~€500 / 1 day of work. In the latter case we quote his fixed price, usually after a (paid) inspection visit.

For further questions about paperhanging rates see the Rates page or call us on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00h & 15:00-19:00h and Sat & Sun 13:00-17:00h).

Behanger garantie - Paperhanger guarantee

Wallpaperer - Guarantee

Wallpaperer – triple guarantee

If you have ever hired a wallpaperer, then you know that even the best experts can sometimes have a problem. For these cases MrFix has provided a triple guarantee:

  • Guarantee: In almost all cases the painter himself offers a guarantee and the problem is simply solved immediately.
  • Insurance: In addition MrFix requires each tradesman to have his own liability insurance to cover any damage.
  • Coulance: And should a dispute arise where painter and insurance do not offer a solution, MrFix will do everything in its power to reach a solution satisfactory to both Customers and painter.

For MrFix your satisfaction is top priority!

Evening job or weekend job?

Do you prefer to be out for a nice weekend while your living room, kitchen or bedroom gets a new fresh wallpaper? Or do you want to have new wallpaper in your office outside office hours? Our wallpaperers can do the job at night, during weekends or on holidays.
Also for urgent jobs you can contact MrFix. We will connect you to the right paperhanger for your wallpaper job within 1 hour, and often faster than that. Please note: there is a 50% surcharge for jobs that must start within 24 hours, after 18h, on weekends or on holidays.Some jobs simply cannot wait. That is why MrFix has a wallpaperer ready for emergency situations 24 hours a day, also on weekends.

Paperhanging in the whole of Holland

Our qualified wallpaperers are ready to do every conceivable wallpaper job in the entire Netherlands quickly. We serve the western conurbation (the Amsterdam, Haarlem, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht areas) as well as the surrounding parts of Holland including Tilburg, Maastricht and Groningen.

MrFix for every home improvement job

Beside a Wallpaperer MrFix can also arrange a qualified Handyman, Plumber, or Electrician.
See the Help / FAQ page or call us on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00h & 15:00-19:00h and Sat & Sun 13:00-17:00h) for further information.


Need a wallpaperer or plasterer / painter in your region?


Whatever your home improvement job is, MrFix has the best network of experienced, reliable paperhangers and painter / plasterers in AmsterdamRotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and anywhere else in Holland, including Eindhoven, Breda and Groningen. Fill in the form, then we will match you as quickly as possible to the right painter, plasterer or paperhanger in your region.