
Need plaster moulding? Ask plastering service MrFix!

Do you live in a beautiful canal-side house or monumental farmhouse and do you want to restore the ceilings and their ornaments and frames to their original state? It is also possible that you want to install frames or ornaments. At MrFix you are at the right address. Fill in the form above and MrFix will connect you within 1 hour to that specialized plasterer who delivers the quality you count on.
For this precision work MrFix selects the professional in advance. For customer reviews, recently placed plastering jobs, warranty information and tips, please read on. The standard rate for fitting and/or repairing your mouldings and ornaments is €65/hour including VAT and call-out charges.

Why MrFix for plastering?

  • MrFix vets and picks the best local plasterer
  • You choose when the plasterer is welcome: 24/7
  • Rate €65/h incl. VAT and call-out charge, or first a quote

How do I request plaster moulding?

  • Use web form above or mail, call 020-6750333
  • MrFix says within 1 hour which expert comes when
  • Pay securely afterwards via iDeal, bank or credit card


Recent jobs - plaster moulding

Schilder - Stadhouderskade - Amsterdam

~400m2 muur schilderen, ~48 m2 behangen etc. in kantoor

In verband met een interne verhuizing moeten er een aantal werkzaamheden uitgevoerd worden: 1). 2 kantoorverdiepingen muren laten schilderen (oppervlakte +- 400m2 muur); deuren en kozijnen niet nodig. 2). 4 muren behangen (oppervlakte +- 48m2)...

Schilder - Deurnestraat - Almere

Stukadoor - Plaster + Paint ~8m2 of wall with water damage - HI

Schilder in Almere gezocht om ~8m2 muur met waterschade te stucen en te schilderen. Daklekkage heeft schade aan onze muur veroorzaakt en ik wil deze graag hersteld hebben. Een bezoek is nodig zijn om de benodigde werkzaamheden op te nemen (Painter...

Schilder - Vondelstraat - Amsterdam

Buitenschilder - 4 picknickbanken schuren & beitsen - AM

Ik zoek een buitenschilder in Amsterdam-Zuid om 4 picknickbanken schuren + beitsen met transparante beits. Graag eigen materiaal meenemen.

Schilder - Jan van Zutphenlaan - Utrecht

Stukadoor - Fix hole between popcorn ceiling and wall - UT

Ik zoek een stukadoor of andere schilder in Utrecht om het popcorn plafond te repareren. Er zit een gat tussen het plafond en de muur dat gerepareerd moet worden. Een andere vakman heeft geprobeerd het te stucen en te spuiten maar dat is niet gelukt. (...

Schilder - Karel Doormanstraat - Rotterdam

Binnenschilder - Fix 3 kitchen cabinet doors, Paint 3 walls - RO

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Schilder - Johan Hofmanstraat - Amsterdam

Behanger - Repair wallpaper - AM

I need a Painter in Amsterdam to Repair wallpaper for about 50 cm2



Recent reviews (2606)

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Vino: "Easy, prompt and got the job done for a reasonable amount. The tradesmen were very nice and got on with the job Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"

Score: 4.3/5.0 stars

Andrew: "Easy time booking the work. Great communication on whatsapp, helped me pick the right materials Fast service"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Joseph: "It was pretty amazing and Iulian was amazing! 🙂 Craftsmanship, Fast service, Clear communication"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Maxim: "great work, delivered quickly and good coordination Fast service, Craftsmanship"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Halit: "smooth and without problems Clear communication, Craftsmanship, Fast service"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Chris: "Snel geregeld, goed werk Snelle service, Vakmanschap, Heldere communicatie"

Score: 4.7/5.0 stars

Davis: "Great service! Clear communication, Fast service, Craftsmanship"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Mattia: "all great Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"


Plaster moulding - Rate

Plaster moulding - Rate

All MrFix rates are fair and transparent. Plasterers charge a fixed rate of €65 per hour including VAT (at the low 9% rate) and call-out charge.
For plaster moulding jobs that require more than a day (8 man hours) of work, we recommend that you request a quote (fixed price). Not only for maximum certainty in advance but also because most plasterers offer a 10-20% discount on such bigger jobs.
If you provide enough information (e.g. via the WhatsApp group that we create for you and the plasterer) you can even get a quote without the usual initial visit: that saves you time and money.
Now if our expert does his plaster moulding job right – which he will – then you will not see him again for many years, but he will be working with MrFix again next week so he gives competitive quotes and he does his very best!

Low VAT rate on plasterwork

Did you know that the Dutch tax authority helps keeping plasterwork affordable by applying the reduced VAT rate of 9% (instead of 21%) See the rules, unfortunately in Dutch only. The plaster moulding jobs that MrFix arranges are often substantial, so your tax saving is substantial too! Please note: the low VAT rate only applies to homes older than 2 years and applies to both labour and materials.

Plaster moulding: let our experts maintain your beautiful houses.

In Amsterdam, Haarlem, The Hague, Utrecht and many other old cities there are many old houses with beautiful decorations and border frames on walls and ceilings. Repairing those ornaments requires special knowledge, tools and experience regarding plaster moulding techniques.
MrFix’s partner plasterers know how to deal with those techniques. Quality plaster moulding jobs that last for many, many years require professionalism and experience.  

Request a plaster moulding expert hassle-free

It’s simple: fill out the web form and we will match your job with the right expert within one hour. Easy, right? MrFix has a local plasterer available even today.
How to request a plaster moulding job:

  • Select the “JOB TYPE” and summarise the job under “JOB SUMMARY”
  • You can add 1 or 2 photos from your PC, tablet or smartphone. This is not required but can be helpful!
  • Make your “DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF JOB” as precise as possible: please specify colours, measures, obstructions or other limitations.
  • Choose if you prefer “An expert ASAP” or “First a quote”. If you choose “First a quote” then we will provide the expert’s estimate except if the job is bigger than ~€500 / 1 day of work. In the latter case we quote his fixed price, usually after a (paid) inspection visit.

For further questions about local plasterer rates see the Rates page or call us on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00h & 15:00-19:00h and Sat & Sun 13:00-17:00h).

Plaster moulding - Rate

Plaster moulding - Guarantee

The work of our qualified plasterers is covered by a triple guarantee: 1) the guarantee by the plaster moulding expert himself. 2) his liability insurance and 3) MrFix’s leverage over the expert. So you are in safe hands.

Urgent plaster moulding jobs – Surcharge

For urgent jobs you can contact MrFix. We will connect you to a local plasterer for your urgent plaster moulding job within 1 hour, and often faster than that. Please note: there is a 50% surcharge for jobs that must start within 24 hours.

Evening or weekend plaster moulding job?

Do you prefer to be out while ornaments in your living room, corridor, kitchen or bedroom are restored? Or do you want your office to be treated outside office hours? Our plaster moulding experts can do the job at night, during weekends or on holidays. Please note: there is a 50% surcharge for jobs that must start after 18h, on weekends or on holidays.  

Plaster moulding in the whole of Holland

Our qualified plasterers are ready to do every conceivable plaster moulding job in the entire Netherlands quickly. We serve the whole western conurbation (the Amsterdam, Haarlem, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht areas) but also the surrounding parts of Holland including Eindhoven, Maastricht, Groningen and Apeldoorn.

Great choice of mouldings and ornaments

Want to embellish your home with beautiful ceiling mouldings or other decorative ornaments? You are spoilt for choice. How about rosettes on the ceiling, near your chandelier?
You can choose an off-the-shelf model, but there are also companies that offer customization. They cast plaster models to your own design. For a unique embellishment of your home.

MrFix for every home improvement job

Beside Plaster moulding MrFix can also arrange a qualified Handyman, Plumber, or Electrician.
See the Help / FAQ page or call us on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00h & 15:00-19:00h and Sat & Sun 13:00-17:00h) for further information.

Need plaster moulding or painting in your region?

Whatever your home improvement job is, MrFix has the best network of experienced, reliable painter / plasterers in AmsterdamRotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and elsewhere in the whole of Holland including Eindhoven. Fill in the form, then we will match you as quickly as possible to the right painter, plasterer or paperhanger in your region.