
Exterior house painting? Painter service MrFix!

Need an exterior painter for your house? Fill in the form at the top of this page and MrFix arranges a local painter for you! Click “First a quote” if you need a quote or estimate. And always indicate on the form when the expert is welcome (in case of an estimate after you’ve accepted it, of course).
This page shows you recent paint jobs and customer feedback. We also set out how MrFix arranges a good exterior painter to paint your house right 1st time. We also explain rates, guarantee and urgent jobs. You can find more info on specific pages if you need:


Why MrFix?

  • You choose when the painter is welcome: 24/7
  • MrFix vets and picks the best exterior house painter
  • Rate €55/h incl. VAT and call-out charge, or first a quote

How do I request exterior painting?

  • By completing the form above or calling 020-6750333
  • MrFix says within 1 hour which expert comes when
  • Pay securely afterwards via iDeal, bank or credit card


Recent jobs - exterior house painting

Schilder - Brandingdijk - Rotterdam

Binnenschilder - Paint whole inside of apartment - RO

Ik zoek een schilder in Rotterdam om de hele binnenkant van het appartement te schilderen.     (I need a painter in Rotterdam to paint the whole inside of the apartment.)

Schilder - Monteverdistraat - Purmerend

Buitenschilder - Schilder deur + 5 ramen - HI

Schilder in Purmerend gezocht om een hoekwoning van 114 m2 te schilderen buiten 1 voordeur, 2 vaste ramen en 3 openslaande ramen de handige rekentool op de site gaf als eerste indicatie dat de klus ~minder dan 1 week zou kunnen duren en de kosten van de o...

Schilder - Bronckhorststraat - Amsterdam

Stukadoor - Plaster 3-4 uneven walls - AM

Ik zoek een stukadoor in Amsterdam-Zuid om 3-4 muren te pleisteren (helft van de muren van een ~8-m2 appartement). Er zit behang op een deel van de binnenmuren dat verwijderd moet worden en de muur eronder ziet er ongelijk uit en zal gepleisterd moeten...

Schilder - Stationsweg - 's-Gravenhage

Behanger - ~5x5m behang vervangen - DH

Behanger in Den Haag gezocht om ~25m2 behang te verwijderen en nieuw behang aan te brengen vanwege een scheur in het behang. De muur is ongeveer 5 meter breed en 5 meter hoog, zie foto. Er zitten 3 deuren in de muur. Ik ben op zoek naar een vakman die dit...

Schilder - Bruijnings Ingenhoeslaan - Voorburg

Stukadoor - Remove wallpaper, Plaster walls - DH

Ik zoek een stukadoor in Voorburg om eerst het behang te verwijderen en daarna de muren te stucen. (I need a plasterer in Voorburg to remove the wallpaper first then plaster the walls.)

Schilder - Franklinstraat - 's-Gravenhage

Behanger - Wand van 5, 2x3 fotobehangen (deuropening met boog) - DH

Ik zoek een behanger in Den Haag om fotobehang aan te brengen op een muur van 520 cm x 300 cm. Er zit een deuropening met boog in de muur. Fotobehang + lijm is aanwezig, verder geen materialen.



Recent reviews (2606)

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Vino: "Easy, prompt and got the job done for a reasonable amount. The tradesmen were very nice and got on with the job Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"

Score: 4.3/5.0 stars

Andrew: "Easy time booking the work. Great communication on whatsapp, helped me pick the right materials Fast service"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Joseph: "It was pretty amazing and Iulian was amazing! 🙂 Craftsmanship, Fast service, Clear communication"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Maxim: "great work, delivered quickly and good coordination Fast service, Craftsmanship"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Halit: "smooth and without problems Clear communication, Craftsmanship, Fast service"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Chris: "Snel geregeld, goed werk Snelle service, Vakmanschap, Heldere communicatie"

Score: 4.7/5.0 stars

Davis: "Great service! Clear communication, Fast service, Craftsmanship"

Score: 5.0/5.0 stars

Mattia: "all great Fast service, Craftsmanship, Clear communication"


Buitenschilder tarief - Exterior painter rate

Exterior house painting - Rate

All MrFix rates are fair and transparent. MrFix has negotiated fixed rates with our partner painters: €55 per hour including VAT (9% only) for jobs that take less than a day.
For jobs that take more than one day we recommend that you request a quote (fixed price), not only for maximum certainty but also because most painters offer a discount (often 10-20%) for bigger jobs. Either way, MrFix does not allow contractors to levy a call-out charge.
If you give sufficient information (e.g. via the WhatsApp group that MrFix creates for you) you may get an estimate or even a quote without the usual inspection visit: that would save you time and money. Now you may not need a painter again for several years, but the painter works with MrFix again next week. That means he will quote you a competitive price and do the job in the best possible way!

Low VAT rate on exterior house paintwork

Did you know that the Dutch tax authority helps keep exterior house painting affordable by applying the reduced VAT rate of 9% (instead of 21%)? See the rules, unfortunately in Dutch only. The paint jobs that MrFix arranges are often substantial, so your tax saving is substantial too! Please note: the low VAT rate only applies to homes older than 2 years and applies to both labour and materials.

Exterior house painting: brighten and protect your home on the outside

The Dutch weather gives you a lot of rain during winter but fortunately also a lot of sunshine in summer. But both types of weather are no good for the paint on the outside of your house. Regular painting is needed to protect the wood from decaying. When you wait too long costs of repair can be high.
For proper maintenance the exterior woodwork of your house should be painted every 5 years. Do you want a new look of the exterior of your house? The wide range of colours make it hard to choose the best, and a mistake can cost a lot of money and time to correct. Quality exterior house paint jobs that last for many, many years require professionalism and experience. Our specialist chooses the painting method and kinds of paint that fit the surface type and usage best.

Request exterior house painting hassle-free

It’s simple: fill out the web form and we will match your job with the right expert within one hour. Easy, right? MrFix has a painter available even today.
How to request exterior house painting:

  • Select the “JOB TYPE” and summarise the job under “JOB SUMMARY”
  • You can add 1 or 2 photos from your PC, tablet or smartphone. This is not required but can be helpful!
  • Make your “DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF JOB” as precise as possible: please specify colours, measures, obstructions or other limitations.
  • Choose if you prefer “An expert ASAP” or “First a quote”. If you choose “First a quote” then we will provide the expert’s estimate except if the job is bigger than ~€500 / 1 day of work. In the latter case we quote his fixed price, usually after a (paid) inspection visit.

For further questions about exterior painting rates see the Rates page or call us on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00h & 15:00-19:00h and Sat & Sun 13:00-17:00h).

Exterior house painting - Guarantee

Exterior house painting - Guarantee

The work of our qualified exterior painters is covered by a triple guarantee: 1) the guarantee by the painter himself. 2) his liability insurance and 3) MrFix’s leverage over the expert. So you are in safe hands.

Urgent exterior house paint jobs – Surcharge

Normally exterior house paint jobs are not urgent, but if your job is urgent then you can contact MrFix. We will connect you to the right painter for your urgent exterior painting job within 1 hour, and often faster than that. Please note: there is a 50% surcharge for jobs that must start within 24 hours, after 18h, on weekends or on holidays.

Evening job or weekend job ?

Some jobs simply cannot be done during normal working hours. That is why MrFix has an exterior house painter ready for special request 24 hours a day, also on weekends.

Painter – triple guarantee

Have you ever searched for and used a painter, then you know that even the best craftsman can sometimes have a problem. For these cases MrFix has provided a triple guarantee:

  • Guarantee: In almost all cases the painter himself offers a guarantee and the problem is simply solved immediately.
  • Insurance: In addition MrFix requires each tradesman to have his own liability insurance to cover any damage.
  • Coulance: And should a dispute arise where painter and insurance do not offer a solution, MrFix will do everything in its power to reach a solution satisfactory to both Client and painter.
  • .

Klusservice MrFix has your satisfaction in high priority!

Paintwork in the entire Netherlands

Our qualified exterior painters are ready to do every conceivable paint job in The Netherlands quickly. We serve not only the western conurbation (the Amsterdam, Haarlem, Leiden, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht aresa) but all of The Netherlands, including Breda, Eindhoven, Maastricht, Enschede and Groningen.
The quickest way to request exterior painting is via our web form and if you prefer you can also mail, call 020-6750333 (Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00h & 15:00-19:00h and Sat & Sun 13:00-17:00h).

Paintwork embellishes and protects

Painting serves not only to make your house prettier but also to protect it from the wet, variable Dutch weather. In autumn and winter your exterior walls and window frames in particular are under attack from rain and frost.
In Spring and Summer they face sunshine and high temperatures. High quality paint and professional paintwork are essential for avoiding any exposed paint peeling, wood rotting and moisture penetrating your home. The earlier you tackle exterior painting issues the better: if you wait too long then you may face serious loss of value and high repair costs.

High season for exterior house painting

The ideal time to book an exterior painter is during the winter. There are many professionals to choose from, depending on the criteria you are looking for.
It is best to book a professional during the year as outdoor painters are busiest when it is not freezing, as the ideal time to paint is when the daytime temperature is between 10 degrees and 20 degrees Celsius. Lower temperatures are not good for the quality of the paint.
However, it is quite possible to paint outside at lower temperatures with tarpaulins and heating but this slows down the work and increases costs.
This is why outdoor painters work mainly from April to October: during this limited season, the best painters are booked months in advance. And February is the ideal month to book an exterior painter: you can still choose between different qualified painters and different execution dates. See our blogpost

Pay attention to color requirements

Before you hire a painter to paint the outside of your house, think about the colors. An important point to pay attention to is whether there are any regulations from the municipality regarding color. Always check this in advance.
Request your job via the web form at the top of this page. See the Help / FAQ page or call us on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00h & 15:00-19:00h and Sat & Sun 13:00-17:00h) if you need further information.


Need exterior house painting in your region?

Whatever your home improvement job is, MrFix has the best network of experienced, reliable painters in AmsterdamRotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and elsewhere in The Netherlands including Eindhoven. Fill in the form, then we will match you as quickly as possible to the right exterior painter, plasterer or paperhanger in your region.