Is there rotten or damaged woodwork in your building? Don’t wait too long for a professional to treat it: otherwise you may have to replace the wood entirely. MrFix has found, screened and selected experts for you and trained them to do your job right first time. Complete the form above to get damaged woodwork professionally repaired. The standard rate for our carpenters is €70/h incl. VAT: no call-out charges.
Below you can read more about Customer reviews, recent jobs, warranty, emergency jobs and tips for replacing toilet seats.
Why arrange woodwork repair via MrFix?
MrFix hand-picked 300 experts from 2,000+ we’ve vetted
Pay securely after the job by iDeal, bank or credit card
Recent jobs - repair woodwork
Klusjesman - Carolina MacGillavrylaan - Amsterdam
Ophangen - Hang 3 curtains + ceiling lamp - AM
Klusjesman in Amsterdam gezocht om 3 gordijnen aan de muur op te hangen en een plafondlamp. Ik heb de roeden al bij Ikea gekocht en ze zijn aan de muur bevestigd.
(Handyman in Amsterdam wanted to hang 3 curtains on the wall and to hang one ceiling li...
Ik zoek tegelzetter of andere Klusjesman in Enschede om een badkamervloer van 2,5 m x 1,2 m te betegelen.
(I need a tiler or other Handyman in Enschede to tile a 2.5m x 1.2 m bathroom floor.)
Klusjesman - Bankastraat - Amsterdam
Reparatie / Onderhoud - Fix hole in ceiling - AM
Ik zoek een klusjesman in Amsterdam om een groot gat in ons plafond te repareren. De boiler en een aantal buizen moesten vervangen worden, nu zit ik met een kapot plafond. Ons plafond is ~2,5m hoog.
(I need a handyman in Amsterdam to repair a big ho...
Klusjesman - Albert Einsteinweg - De Bilt
Reparatie / Onderhoud - Renoveer trap - UT
Ik zoek een Klusjesman in Utrecht in De Bilt om de trap te renoveren. Ik heb traprenovatiemateriaal(stoot borden, trapt redes en trappenkit). Deze moeten op maat gezaagd worden en bevestigd worden aan de trap.
Klusjesman - Orteliuskade - Amsterdam
Installing doors/Handles/Lock/Lights + small paintjob
"1) Shorten and rehang one interior door;
2) Install or fix door handles throughout interior and front door
3) Install lock on toilet door
4) Fix sliding closet doors >> LET OP: doet fixer Vincent in Sep 2017
5) Paint wet room exposed walls and c...
Klusjesman - Binnendoor - Hilversum
Plaatsen / Monteren - Assemble 5 door IKEA cabinet (Hauga) - HI
I need a handyman in Hilversum to assemble an IKEA cabinet. (model: Hauga 5 doors)Â
I need a Handyman in Zaandam to Hallo, mijn Etna afzuigkap AP490RVS werkt niet goed. De motor maakt een raar geluid tijdens het starten en de hele tijd. Het geluid is minder luid als de ventilator op hoge snelheid draait. Het motornummer is VEN0OO3811PSE...
Klusjesman - Keverberg - Amsterdam
Mount bathroom cupboard, handle bar, paint wall - AM
Ik zoek een klusjesman in Amsterdam voor meerdere klussen:
1. 1.Een badkamerkast (de kast is al in elkaar gezet en zit in een doos) via de trap naar boven brengen, monteren aan de muur in de badkamer.
2.Een handgreep/beugel monteren in de badkamer
3.De g...
Ik zoek een aannemer, tegelzetter, loodgieter of klusjesman in Rotterdam voor vier klussen:
1. Vervangen van 3 kapotte tegels rondom een badkuip
2. Badkuip verhogen zodat het water goed wegloopt
3. Een glazen verlengstuk voor de douche installeren
4. Het...
Ik zoek een timmerman of andere klusjesman in Rotterdam om voor het kinderdagverblijf 2 houten banken opnieuw te schuren en een frisse kleur te geven. Ik ontvangen graag vooraf een schatting van de kosten.
Klusjesman - Goudsbloemstraat - Amsterdam
Fix tilt opening of Window - AM
Ik zoek een klusjesman in Amsterdam om kantelraam te repareren. Mijn raam hoort zowel van de zijkant als van de bovenkant open te gaan, maar het gaat niet van de bovenkant open. Dit komt omdat toen ik mijn appartement opnieuw liet inrichten, mijn aanneme...
Klusjesman - Eef Kamerbeekstraat - Amsterdam
Plaatsen / Monteren - Assemble wardrobe with 3 doors + 3 drawers - AM
Ik zoek een klusjesman in Amsterdam -Zeeburg om een kledingkast van met 3 deuren en 3 lades in elkaar te zetten.Â
(I need a handyman in Amsterdam -Zeeburg to assemble a wardrobe from with 3 doors and 3 drawers.)
Repair woodwork - Rate
We understand that it is tempting to choose a cheap handyman. We have screened literally thousands of them since 2010 and heard how badly things can go wrong:
Handymen who refuse to say what time they’ll come so the Client waits around all day
Tinkerers who install a flight of stairs… upside down!
Crooks who work for 2 hours but charge 3, or who levy call-out and other hidden fees
MrFix has negotiated a fixed hourly rate of €70 including VAT for small jobs. We do not allow contractors to levy call-out charges. You can always get a free estimate up front and for jobs from ~€500 / 1 day’s we recommend that you request a quote.
Treat wood rot / close cracks: MrFix
Have you found wood rot in your window frames or cracks in your wooden garden shed? The faster you repair woodwork, the more you will limit the damage. Woodwork that is subject to our wet climate sometimes suffers particularly. So do not hesitate and call in a carpenter from MrFix in case of damage to woodwork. All MrFix carpenters are recognised independent contractors and have been personally screened by us. They will work neatly, quickly and without hassle.
You can trust MrFix to arrange your woodwork repair
Our clients keep coming back and rate MrFix as “Excellent” on Trustpilot.
For questions about rates & payment see the page Rates or call us for further information on 020-675 0333 (Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00h & 15:00-19:00h and Sat & Sun 13:00-17:00h).
Repair woodwork - Guarantee
We understand that you just want to get that woodwork repair job off your to-do list. And without searching for hours, comparing quotes, haggling over the price and then still ending up in a dispute with the handyman!
To prevent that usual handyman grief we hand-pick expert carpenters and support you & them to ensure a smooth process. MrFix:
Finds 80% of experts via Clients or other experts
Screens experts thoroughly, including 1-on-1 interviews and reference checks
Matches your job with the right local expert based on Client feedback and our expertise
Trains & supports the expert so he does job right 1st time: over 60,000 jobs so far
Now to be fair, despite our rigorous selection and professional support there is still a small risk that you’re not 100% satisfied with the expert’s job 1st time. That is why the work of our qualified experts is covered by a triple guarantee:
A minimum 3-month guarantee by the contractor himself
His liability insurance
MrFix’s leverage over the expert
We make sure that any dispute is resolved: in our more than 14 years of existence not a single one has resulted in a lawsuit or even arbitration.
Repair woodwork urgently
You may be in a rush because you expect guests or have hired a painter who is not wiling or able to repair your woodwork himself. Just complete the form above or else call MrFix at 020-675 0333 (Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00h & 15:00-19:00h and Sat & Sun 13:00-17:00h). We will connect you to the right carpenter for your urgent toilet seat job within 1 hour.
Please note there is a 50% surcharge for jobs that must start within 24 hours, after 6 PM or during weekends / holidays.
Repair woodwork in your region?
MrFix has the strongest network of experienced, reliable carpenters and handymen in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Utrecht and all other cities in The Netherlands including Eindhoven, Breda, Maastricht, Enschede and Groningen. Just fill in the form, then MrFix will match you quickly to the right carpenter or handyman near you.
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