Contact | +31-20-675 0333
Please write your first & last names in full (no initials)... Please write your phone number (preferably WhatsApp) as 10 digits (‘06-1234 5678‘) if Dutch or including country code ('+44-1234-567890') if not... We only process job requests with complete address including house number and any floor number / apartment letter...
Click on any days and times that the expert is NOT welcome: they will show in RED. Then the expert will choose a one-hour time slot within the days and times that he is welcome (GREEN). The more options you leave GREEN, the higher the chance of finding a good expert.
Green = welcome, Red = NOT. The expert will pick an available (GREEN) 1-hour time slot.
MrFix arranges the best local expert for your job. 24/7
We help the expert improve your home right 1st time
Fixed rates incl. VAT or first a quote. No call-out charges
Call +31-20-6750333, mail or best: use this form
MrFix advises within 1h which approved expert can start when
Pay securely by bank or credit card after the job
Hire painter Miguel for €55 per hour all-in
Hire handyman Trifon for €55 per hour all-in
Hire electrician Bodhi for €80 per hour all-in
Hire plumber Martin for €85 per hour all-in
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