Contact | +31-20-675 0333
Please write your first & last names in full (no initials) and your (WhatsApp) number as 10 digits (‘06-1234 5678‘) if Dutch or including country code ('+44-1234-567890') if not. We only process job requests with complete address including house number and only share your contact details with the expert who accepts your job request.
Click on any days and times that the expert is NOT welcome: they will show in RED. Then the expert will choose a one-hour time slot within the days and times that he is welcome (GREEN). The more options you leave GREEN, the higher the chance of finding a good expert.
Green = welcome, Red = NOT. The expert will pick an available (GREEN) 1-hour time slot.
MrFix arranges the best local expert for your job. 24/7
We help the expert improve your home right 1st time
Fixed rates incl. VAT or first a quote. No call-out charges
Call +31-20-6750333, mail or best: use this form
MrFix advises within 1h which approved expert can start when
Pay securely by bank or credit card after the job
Hire painter Miguel for €55 per hour all-in
Hire handyman Trifon for €55 per hour all-in
Hire electrician Bodhi for €80 per hour all-in
Hire plumber Martin for €85 per hour all-in
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